Ready take a class?!
Book upcoming classes on the calendar section below. If you're looking to plan ahead, view our full class schedule** for the 2024 calendar year by clicking the button below. All classes can be paid for on an individual basis, if you become a Monthly Subscriber, ALL of the below classes are included in your membership along with discounts to certain events. THIS IS THE BEST DEAL! So sign up today!
Weekly Class Schedule Consists of:
Tuesday - 7pm - Lindy Hop Level 1
This is an intermediate progressive course that happens the same time/day each week. You must enroll at the beginning of the month to attend the full month of this course. Prerequisite - Our Beginner Swing Dance Class
Tuesday - 8pm - Balboa Level 2
This is an intermediate to advanced progressive class that happens on the same time/day each week. You must enroll at the beginning of the month to attend the full month of this course. Prerequisite - Our Balboa Level 1 Class
Thursday - 7pm - Solo Jazz Dancing
This is a weekly non-progressive class that focuses on learning some solo jazz dancing moves. This is a "Drop-In Class" meaning you can come in and take it whenever you want! No dancing experience or partner needed, all levels welcome!
Thursday - 8pm - Beginner Swing Dance Class
This is a weekly non-progressive class that focuses on learning some solo jazz dancing moves. This is a "Drop-In Class" meaning you can come in and take it whenever you want! No dancing experience or partner needed, all levels welcome!
**Courses subject to change & some classes TBD.